Conquer your fear of Public Speaking by learning and understanding how to properly use the most unique instrument of communication, your VOICE! Everyone can benefit from voice coaching.
Located in Toronto, Canada, Vocal Impression can help you to abandon your fears of public speaking and transform you into a great communicator, performer and public speaker. Everyone will benefit from this voice and performance training, even the seasoned “Keynote” speaker, as Vocal Impression provides you with the technical tools that will allow you to use your voice healthily and well. All will gain overall confidence in every walk of life and the proper use of your voice will separate you from your competition.
By improving your “vocal impression”, you will become a more effective presenter, public speaker and salesman. How many people when faced with having to do a business or sales presentation get flustered and nervous, worrying about their voice and whether people are going to pay attention and listen? By engaging a voice and diction trainer and mastering the “9P’s of Performance”, professionals and leaders learn to connect with their audience, enabling them to release the many fears related to public speaking and delivering sales and business presentations.
Worth noting:
* Most people fail to effectively use the most motivating and powerful influencing force at their disposal. Their voice!
* The art of delivery of the voice is not always a talent with which people are born, but a skill that anyone can acquire
* Good speakers convey passion, enthusiasm and energy
* Good speakers inspire and excite, they arouse and enable
* Great speakers connect with their audience

We invite you to complete our “About You” survey by clicking HERE. If you answer yes to 3 or more of the 10 questions, you may want to consider setting up a free 1/2 hour preliminary consultation with one of our coaches.