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Glossophobia, or a fear of public speaking, is a very common phobia and one that is believed to affect up to 75% of the population. Some individuals may feel a nervousness simply at the thought of speaking in front of any size crowd. Many experience full-on panic and fear. With personal voice coaching, persistence and preparation, it’s entirely possible to beat glossophobia. At Vocal Impression we will help you to overcome your fear of public speaking? We do this by teaching the 9P’s of Performance and how to use your voice correctly and healthily, while also building your confidence in your voice and in turn enhancing your vocal image.

If you are struggling with your vocal image or simply want to improve and master your public speaking skills, contact us at Vocal Impression and we will set up a free half-hour consultation.

Terrified female speaker on a stage in front of the audience, EPS 8 vector illustration, no transparencies